In the context of lifelong learning more types of learning methods and environments are emerging. The growing use of ICT tools, blended learning, e-learning and distance learning is demanding digital competencies of educators. Lack of educator’s digital competencies is acknowledged in many levels.
There is a shortage of people who would support, advise and facilitate educators with competence in andragogy as well as in using ICT in education. Based on the characteristics of the adult learner, it is important to design an accessible and comprehensible e-learning experience.
The goal of our project is to support the growth of instructional design in adult education and develop a base of training for Instructional Designers in Adult Education (IDAE). The need for competent IDAE-s will benefit educational institutions, training centers, private companies and other organizations.
the quality of adult learning.
and efficient and purposeful use of digital tools in the learning process.
educators to become digitally competent.
cooperation between educators and instructional designers.
the conversion of educators into skilled instructional designers.
Our aim is to reach out teachers, trainers, content developers and other professionals interested in improving their digital and instructional skills to apply them in areas related to adult education.

In this short video we introduce our vision on the role, skills and knowledge that an Instructional Designer for Adult Education (IDAE) should have, and our contribution to develop a curriculum to strengthen this professional profile.
Transnational Meeting in Estonia
The final Transnational meeting of the project team was held...
Read MoreMultiplier event held in Umag (Croatia)
The Croatian project partner, the Open University of Umag, organized...
Read MorePilot training for IDAEs held in Umag (Croatia)
The pilot short term staff training event Instructional Designer in...
Read MoreTransnational Meeting in Germany
The third Transnational meeting of the project team took place...
EDIT project will be developed along the years 2020-2023, Main dates for the completion of our tasks are briefly described in the timeline below.
The team completes the initial desktop research in order to advance to the IDAE Curriculum.
Completion of training sessions for IDAE´s, delivered by experts to educators working in adult education and related to the organizing institutions.
We are commited to deliver during the development of the project a collection of documents and resources that will provide a source of enrichment for all those individuals who are involved or interested in the fields where adult education and instructional design converge.
Nowadays Europe is heading towards a new demographical reality: The population is aging at a fast pace, and at the same time the working market, social structure and economical needs of our societies require new skills, capacities and professional profiles. The adult population has to face the fact that education is not just a question to be addressed in the early stages of life, but a constant necessity along our whole lives in order to better adapt ourselves to new professional and living conditions.
The most important principle for designing lively e-Learning is to see e-Learning design not as information design but as designing an experience.

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

The teaching professions face rapidly changing demands, which require a new, broader and more sophisticated set of competences than before.

It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.